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I have had the opportunity to serve as the primary instructor for a wide range of course, starting in graduate school and continuing throughout my professional career.   Courses include Intermediate Microeconomics; Economics of Strategy; Princples of Microeconomics; Principles of Macroeconomics, Managerial Economics; Behavioral Economics; Industrial Organization; Introduction to Economics; Applied Game Theory; Managerial Statistics; Money, Credit and Banking; and Business Strategy and Value Creation.

Teaching evaluations for each course can be found here.  Student feedback from the three courses can be found here.

My teaching philosophy is outlined here.

Teaching History:

Sole Instructor of Record, DePauw University

  • ECON100: Introduction to Economics

    • Fall 2016 - Section F: 26 Students Enrolled, Section G: 29 Students Enrolled, evaluations pending

  • ECON440: Applied Game Theory

    • Fall 2016 - 24 Students Enrolled, evaluations pending

Sole Instructor of Record, University of Arizona:

  • ECON 361: Intermediate Microeconomics [Syllabus]

    • Summer 2015 - 55 Students Enrolled, 4.1/5 teaching effectiveness evaluation

  • ECON 407: Economics of Strategy [Syllabus]

    • Spring 2015 - 58 Students Enrolled, 4.5/5 teaching effectiveness evaluation

    • Winter 2013 - 16 Students Enrolled, 4.2/5 teaching effectiveness evaluation

    • Spring 2013 - 60 Students Enrolled, 4.3/5 teaching effectiveness evaluation

    • Summer 1 2012 - 24 Students Enrolled, 4.4/5 teaching effectiveness evaluation

  • ECON 460: Industrial Organization [Syllabus]

    • Fall 2013 - 33 Students Enrolled, 4.3/5 teaching effectiveness evaluation

    • Presession 2013 - 19 Students Enrolled, 4.1/5 teaching effectiveness evaluation

Courses served as Teaching Assistant:

  • ECON 308: World Economic History - Fall 2015, Spring 2016

  • ECON 407: Economics of Strategy - Fall 2014, Spring 2014

  • ECON 361: Intermediate Microeconomics - Fall 2014

  • ECON 200: Basic Economic Issues - Fall 2012, Spring 2011

  • SBS 200: Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences - Spring 2012, Fall 2011


  • Thomas R. Brown Teaching Fellowship - 2012

  • Don Wells Teaching Fellowship - Spring 2015, Fall 2013, Spring 2013